Friday, March 13, 2009

The wait is over Rebecca! Here is a new post! I think this one was well worth the wait! For those of you I don't usually talk to 5 times a week- We are having another baby. I know for the longest time we said Alan would be an only child, but he definetly has an Only child syndrom. We have actually been "trying"- well short of calculating and tracking everything- for almost 2 years. In October I figured it just was not meant to be- got rid of a bunch of stuff- pretty much everything but our crib- and then it Happened! January is when I figured it out- and was sicker than a dog at night. All is well so far and will continue that way:) I am due September 11th!

Here are a few pictures- but they are kind of blurry- but any little untrasounds are so cute! I was 10 weeks at the time! Enjoy!

I Hope that was worth the wait!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

OMG!!!!! I am SOOOO excited for you and it was worth the wait:-)

Prayers for 9 months of uneventfullness (is that a word?) and a very healthy baby and mommy:-)